Andy Carroll, Author at Exponent Philanthropy - Page 2 of 6

Andy Carroll Recent Posts

Why Your Net Grant Matters

What is a net grant and why does it matter? Well, time is money and grantees incur costs while applying for grants. For instance, think about how long it could take a nonprofit to customize their financial documents to your specifications, and language to your unique questions and formatting. According to Project Streamline, nonprofits can... Read More

Funders: Considering Collaboration? Start With a Light Touch and See Where It Leads

This post originally appeared on Blackbaud’s sgENGAGE blog. When smaller, place-based foundations collaborate and align their work, they provide unique value to local communities and nonprofits. Still, many foundations shy away from working together, assuming it will require considerable time and a loss of independence.   Funder collaboration need not be burdensome. Nor does it require... Read More

When Advocacy Looks More Like Partnership: Inside the Work of a Successful Funders Coalition

When we strip away the messaging and maneuvering in politics, it’s clear that governments and foundations across the country often seek common goals. Among these are: Strengthening education and vocational training Increasing access to childcare and healthcare Creating jobs and new businesses Safeguarding the environment Unfortunately, government and foundations tend to operate in silos. They... Read More

Are You Using Your Power, or Leaving It on the Table?

Power is taboo. We’re uncomfortable that some wield greater strength and influence, and use it to hold sway over others. In spite of our laws and regulations, our checks and balances, our moral and social norms nurturing restraint and respect, people use power to bend rules; exclude and disenfranchise; distort facts and disseminate misinformation; manufacture... Read More

Beyond Governance: Training Foundation Board Members for Leadership

This article was originally published in the July/August 2021 issue of Taxation of Exempts, a Thomson Reuters journal. In the philanthropy and nonprofit field, training and development for boards of directors has traditionally focused on basic, fundamental roles and responsibilities. Common topics include: the duties of board members; legal compliance; providing strategic direction; hiring and... Read More